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What is SynTech?

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What is SynTech?

The EPSRC Centre of Doctoral Training in Automated Chemical Synthesis Enabled by Digital Molecular Technologies (SynTech) is a cohort-based program that provides training through research to produce scientists who are equipped to tackle the next generation of molecule-making problems.

Why do we need SynTech?

The syntheses of molecules for drug discovery, agrochemical science & fine chemicals remain a major challenge in the face of today’s business-driven timeframes. As such, we miss out on many molecules of function that could have significant impact in society. Tomorrow's synthesis challenges can be met by a more cross-disciplinary approach to the molecule-making process and so we need a new generation of researchers who are experts in their respective fields but fluent across other subjects so they can form effective teams that will solve these problems.

What are the goals of SynTech?

The goal of the CDT is to produce the next generation of molecule making scientists. We will train these scientists through their participation in cutting-edge research projects and cross-disciplinary educational courses which, together, will enable them to master & excel in their chosen area of expertise and achieve a high level of competence in the other core disciplines of SynTech to new molecule-making challenges.

Electronic Chip

Course Details

What is SynTech
Electronic Chip

Course Details

Work Presentation

Students begin their programme with a comprehensive training phase in their probationary year which consists of taught courses, workshops and experimental research experience. The training programme is broken down into two distinct types of compulsory elements and optional advanced courses and will feed into a PhD proposal writing phase. The compulsory element is followed by all students during the first six months of the programme and includes:

Fundamental (core) Skills Training
These courses are largely tried, tested and optimised courses that we would expect all CDT students to take, in order to underpin all aspects of their experience in the CDT. Many of them have already been piloted, some for a number of years, and we are confident that they provide CDT students with an excellent foundation upon which to build their PhDs, whatever their area of specialisation. All courses will be taken as part of the first-year experience that students have in our CDT. 

Focused Bridging Courses

As students in the CDT are drawn from a broad range of training backgrounds and disciplines, they necessarily need to attend bridging courses which are aimed to give them a good understanding of all areas covered by SynTech. Some of these are drawn from existing MPhil courses and some are be entirely new courses written to underpin the student knowledge-base within the CDT.

Optional Advanced Courses

Students have access to a range of different optional courses that are offered by the CDT host and participating departments and can take them at any time during their PhD according to their individual interest and future direction of their PhD.

Course Details
Two Men in Office

Guided Training Projects

Guided Training Projects
Busy Presentation

Training Projects

Students are offered initial 6-month projects from an array of (~10-12) topics. These projects address some of the core training objectives of SynTech while retaining a research element. Specific goals of these projects are to learn new techniques and develop a deeper understanding of research challenges that will provide a basis for their PhD research.

Modern Office

Guided Research Proposals

Science Class Microscopes

Research Proposals

Students will work closely with a PI (or PIs) to develop a research project that will underpin their PhD. As well as the Core research themes, the students will be encouraged to consider carefully how their project can be collaborative with either second PI in the CDT and/or with another student from a complementary discipline. During the first year, the cohort model will be essential in developing research synergies between students so that their project interests and complementary backgrounds can lead to a collaborative research project. Collaborative project with students and/or PI’s from distinct subject areas is actively encouraged. Project partners in industry can also form part of this collaboration. All research proposals must be presented and defended in front of the CDT cohort and PIs. The CDT Directors sign of on the final project proposal once it is deemed to have meet the criteria in line with the objectives of the CDT.

Guided Research Proposals
Office Hallway

SynTech Partners

Industry Partners
Modern Office Building

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
& CDT Industrial Partners

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